Shenandoah region- General Meeting Minutes February 2019

VCNP-Shenandoah Region


February 2019 Meeting Minutes


February 21, 2019


In attendance:  Erin Morris, Monica Heck, Mary Atkins, Maretta Yoder, Barbara Call, Andrea Knopp, Heather Camp, Holly Kellett, Tamie McDonald-Brower, Haley Tusing, Melody Mast, Sharon Zook, Diana Oddenino, Pamela Gipson, Donna Thacker and Victoria Krauss


NP Students in attendance:  Sarah Gibson, Maria Circosta, Jae Anaza, Hannah Ferguson and Kelsey Fortin


Meeting Location:  Bella Luna Restaurant. Harrisonburg, VA.


Meeting Topic:  Holly Kellett NP presented a talk on Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Business Meeting:


  1. Future meetings were discussed.

-4/18/19– Antipsychotic Medications in Dementia by Rimma Wolfe, Pharm D.  Location TBD.

-9/29/19-sponsored by Sanofi Pharmaceutical.  Diabetes Management.  Location TBD.

-11/21/19– Speaker and location TBD.


Andrea Knopp mentioned having an independent NP present to the group regarding her personal experience.  We will check with Allison Chupp NP to see if she is available and willing to discuss opening her own clinic.


  1. VCNP conference will be held in Roanoke from March 6-9, 2019.  The Shenandoah chapter needs to donate a basket for the raffle fundraiser.  Diana Oddenino graciously offered to purchase the contents and put the basket together. Erin Morris or Andrea Knopp will take the basket to the conference.


  1. Announcement of new officers and future request for committee members. Erin Morris, President currently receives emails from all committees and feels inundated with the massive amount of information, and therefore feels unable to adequately disseminate.  She feels this is not doing justice to our members and does not give our local NP’s the benefit of involvement.  Erin Morris will send out an email to local members with more information.


  1. Autonomous practice and GR update.  Several members have applied for and received independent practice.  There are still barriers such as payment which led into discussion of new HB that was postponed per anthem’s request.   (or else they would recommend it for “study” which would extends its release for 2 years).  Barriers also from facility by-laws in which autonomous practice not recognized.


  1. Announcement that Melody Mast, CNM will present a talk on Menopause at Sentara RMH on March 7, 2019.


  1. Diana Oddenino, a founder of our local group is offering to take on more responsibility.


  1. Sharon Zook announced her retirement at the end of this school year.


The meeting was then adjourned.





Respectively submitted.



Maretta Yoder, Secretary

Events and Conferences

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3/26/2025 - 3/29/2025