Category Archives: News – Shenandoah

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Shenandoah Region Updates

Current membership count: 65

Erin Morris has stepped down as president. She will continue to serve as treasurer.

Thank you, Erin, for your many years of service!

Haley Tusing is the new president.

Josh Carlison has agreed to join the Goverment Relations committee.

We have committee positions available in Education and Nominations/Awards.

We had a social meeting in April at Taste of Thai.

Prior to the meeting we conducted a membership survey, here are some of the results:

What are you hoping to gain from your membership?
 Networking/meet other NPs in the area.
 Networking
 CME and networking.
 networking, news on legislation and policy changes/updates
 Social time with other NPs
 Making connections
 Collaboration and local support between NPs. Resources for practice. Friendship
 Connection with other NPs, some CME
 Networking with other NPs in the state
 A chance to get to know other NPs in the area
 Networking
 Networking

What type of meetings would you prefer?
 Social and CME
 Social and broader CME applicable to those in specialty practice also
 mix of social and CME
 All of the above
 Social and cme
 All of these sound great
 Social, CME
 Social, pharmaceutical
 I strongly oppose pharmacy rep dinners, and intentionally do not attend them. Any others are
 Variety is good.
 Social or CME

What types of community events would you like to see the VCNP participate?
 Races, holidays, local college nursing programs
 5k
 Maybe volunteering with Blue Ridge free clinic.
 Community education (night, fair, ask an NP)
 Health fairs, school nutrition drives (filling backpacks, etc)
 Events that benefit local organizations

Do you have any suggestions for how to increase our regions membership and engagement?
 Vary meeting locations across the region
 Personally reaching out to NPs in our area
 Local nursing programs; area hospitals
 None sorry
 Maybe recruit JMU new grads
 Offer CME, more frequent wine/brewery network nights w/o CME.
 Emails, mail flyers, social media, community awareness
 Move meetings to other areas, generate regular communication regarding our region’s activity

Upcoming meeting on Thursday, June 15 6 pm on Cannabis Products.

VCNP Shenandoah Region November 2021 Meeting Minutes

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

November 2021 Meeting Minutes

November 18, 2021

Members in attendance:  Barbara Call FNP-BC, Maretta Yoder FNP-C, Amy Graham, FNP-BC, Kymber Beers FNP-BC, Erin Morris FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC, Heather Codding FNP-BC, Susan Adamson FNP-C, Lori Conyers FNP-C, Monica Heck FNP-C

NP students in attendance:  Kara Monger, Allison Monterrozo, Danielle Butler

Meeting Location:  Vito’s Restaurant.  Harrisonburg, Virginia

Presentation:  Guidelines on the use of Antipsychotics for Patients with Schizophrenia

Speaker:  Rimma Wolfe Pharm D

Business Meeting:  

  1.  Introductions were made.  Welcome to NP students in attendance.
  •  Susan Adamson FNP-C updated us on the Free clinic.  Huge success and a blessing to the Harrisonburg community.  They are in their new building.    
  • Discussion of upcoming elections.  VCNP will handle ballot for the Shenandoah region.  Still need a treasurer. 
  • Discussion of membership; renewal occurred in September for anyone who missed it. 
  • Amy Graham, our legislative rep encouraged members to contribute to the PAC.  We were also encouraged to share with VCNP any success stories regarding autonomous practice. 
  • Discussion regarding the new incentive to precept students.  Any nurse practitioner who precepts students was encouraged to sign up. 
  • Future meetings were discussed.  Plan to keep four meetings a year, the 3rd Thursday in February, April, September and November.  Erin Morris will be the speaker in February of 2022.  Topic TBD with plans to apply for CE credit. 

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectively submitted.

Maretta Yoder, Secretary

VCNP Shenandoah Region May 2021 Meeting Minutes

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

May 2021 Meeting Minutes

May 20, 2021

Members in attendance:  Sarah Gibson, Monica Heck, Vicky Sullivan, Maretta Yoder, Heather Codding, Haley Tusing, Susan Adamson, Andrea Knopp, Amy Graham.  Virtual:  Lynne Poole

Meeting Location:  Vito’s Restaurant.  Harrisonburg, Virginia

Presentation:  Trauma Informed Care-What Providers Need to Know

Speaker:  Monica Heck DNP, FNP-C

Business Meeting:  

  1.  Future meetings were discussed. Plan for September 16 and November 18, 2021.  September meeting will likely be a drug rep sponsored dinner and the speaker in November is Rimma Wolfe- a pharmacist, topic TBD.  Locations TBD.
  •  Susan Adamson updated us on the opening of the new Free Clinic.  There have been 85 visits in the first 5 weeks!          
  •  Further discussion on ways to boost attendance at our meetings, including:  door prizes and NP student scholarships.  These topics will be further discussed with hope of finalizing plans at the next meeting. 

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectively submitted.

Maretta Yoder, Secretary

VCNP Shenandoah Region February 2021 Meeting Minutes

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

February 2021 Meeting Minutes

February 18, 2021

Members in attendance:  Erin Morris, Haley Tusing, Susan Adamson, Monica Heck, Maretta Yoder

Guest Speaker:  Amy Sales, CMP, Deputy Executive Director, Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners 

NP Students in attendance:  None

Meeting Location:  Zoom Meeting

Business Meeting:  

  1. Susan Adamson gave an update on the Harrisonburg Rockingham Free Clinic closure.  Plan to open new clinic named Blue Ridge Free Clinic.  Returning to the old model of volunteerism, no barriers clinic, navigation of health care system, ACA enrollments, and will host short and long-term patients.  Susan is currently serving as President of the new Free Clinic Board of Directors. 
  •  Amy Sales

-reviewed changes to VCNP website and resources that are available to members and leadership, including state-provided platforms for meetings and connection (GoToMeeting/Constant Contact- which do require password)  This is Amy’s email and work cell for any questions.  In Amy’s absence, Betsy Crowell will be our liaison. 

-Amy reinforced that the VCNP goal is for the Shenandoah region to thrive. 

-The VCNP is working on election syncing of regions to assist with onboarding of new leadership and committee members.  Current elects are due in October with placement of newly elected members in March of 2022. 

-Amy informed the group that we do not need to have a sitting President; however, attendance at board meetings for voting purposes does require an elected member.  Amy will check to ensure that non-elected members can attend the board meetings for representation, but will likely be dismissed for the “executive” portion of the meeting. 

-CME education information/questions should be directed to Helen Willis or Betsy Crowell at or

-Amy also informed the group that other than a board report, there is no financial report required of our group at this time. 

3.  Monica Heck shared with the group regarding Membership Committee. 

               -They meet once a month.

-Membership is slightly down, but expected to increase pre-conference and at graduation.

-Currently Shenandoah membership is at 67.

-The Membership Committee is working on ways to increase engagement.  Getting members involved is a statewide problem.

4.  Maretta Yoder- currently sitting secretary and unofficial meeting planner.  She will begin   pursuing in-person meeting options for May of 2021 and 2 meetings in the fall. 

Current to-do list and plan moving forward:

  1.  Amy Sales will send Erin Morris the statewide emails for now.
  2. Try to get a credit card to assist with meal payment and ease of purchasing stipends/etc…
  3. Attendance at pending board meetings for 3/10/2021, 6/19/2021, ? 10/2/2021
  4. Erin will work on board report for 3/10/2021.
  5. Need to mentor nurse practitioners to fulfill leadership roles. 

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectively submitted.

Maretta Yoder, Secretary

VCNP Shenandoah Region – General Meeting Minutes |February 2020

February 20, 2020

Members in attendance:  Maria Circosta, Barbara Call, Amy Graham, Maretta Yoder, Erin Morris, Beth Poore-Bowman, Sue Klassen

NP Students in attendance:  Kymber Beers, Heather Codding

Meeting Location:  Rocktown Kitchen, Harrisonburg Virginia

Business Meeting: Future Meeting Dates and Topics

April 16, 2020 will be at Montpelier restaurant in Harrisonburg. Speaker:  Grayce Kim – Pharmacist with Gilead Sciences. Topic: “Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease State Overview.”

Additional 2020 Meetings:  9/17/2020 and 11/19/2020

Erin Morris shared that she is stepping down as President. Maria Circosta will move into this role effective immediately.

Topics for future meetings were discussed:

  1. Dr. Domingus – Motivational Interviewing
  2. Dr. Kent Folsom – X-ray lectures
  3. Dr. Schofield, Cardiologist – Lifestyle medication
  4. Dr. Martin, Rheumatologist – Lupus


Respectively submitted – Maretta Yoder, Secretary

Shenandoah Region-General Meeting Minutes November 2019

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

November 2019 Meeting Minutes

November 21, 2019

Members in attendance:  Maria Circosta, Barbara Call, Amy Graham, Chris Moore, Andrea Knopp, Kasey Saunders, Allison Chupp, Maretta Yoder, Vicky Sullivan, Mary Faith Dudley, Sharon Strang, Susan Adamson, Sarah Stowell 

NP Students in attendance:  Kymber Beers, Heather Codding, Cheryl Miller, Allison MonterroZo, Ashley Singleton, Emily Johnson, Crystal O’Connor, Sarah Gibson, Natalie Detrich

Meeting Location:  Taste of Thai Restaurant. Harrisonburg, VA.

Speaker:  Allison Chupp FNP discussed details regarding the start up and daily operations of her NP run health clinic, North Mountain Clinic in Broadway VA. 

Business Meeting:  

  1.  Future meetings were discussed.  Further details TBD. 

-Dates tentatively set for 2/20/20, 4/16/2020, 9/24/2020, and 11/19/2020

  • Maria Circosta shared information from the VCNP Board Meeting:

– Lynchburg and Charlottesville CME opportunities.

– Education regarding dangers of vaping.

– Further discussion about opioids and prescribing practices. 

-There was extensive discussion regarding autonomous practice.  There is frustration with the low number of NP’s in Virginia obtaining their license to practice independently- only 15% of eligible NP’s have obtained the licensure.  Eligible nurse practitioners are encouraged to apply for this license.  VCNP is willing to help members through the attestation process if needed.  VCNP is looking into targeting AANP members residing in Virginia for membership.

     -There was discussion about adding a student liaison to the board as a non-voting member,

       but details regarding their role and length of term need to be finalized. 

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectively submitted.

Maretta Yoder, Secretary

Shenandoah Region- General Meeting Minutes September 2019

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

September 2019 Meeting Minutes

September 19, 2019

In attendance:  Maria Circosta, Barbara Call, Monica Heck, Amy Graham, Erin Morris, Maretta Yoder, Sarah Stowell, Andrea Knopp, Kymber Beers, Rachel Talbot and Vicky Sullivan

Non-Members in attendance:  Julie Pierantoni RN-Diabetes educator

Meeting Location:  Montpelier Restaurant in Harrisonburg, VA

Meeting Topic:  Pharmacological Approaches to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Treatment

Speaker:  Joe Ogden:  Senior Medical Science Liaison for Sanofi

Business Meeting:  

  1. Discussion about full practice authority.
  • Discussion about residency issues and whether new NP’s should have requirements.
  • Discussion about on-line nurse practitioner programs.
  • Next Meeting:  11/21/2019:  Allison Chupp NP will discuss opening her own clinic.  Location:  Taste of Thai restaurant in Harrisonburg VA.  6 pm for social gathering with plans to start meeting and dinner at 6:30 PM. 

Respectively submitted.

Maretta Yoder, Secretary

Shenandoah region- General Meeting Minutes April 2019

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

April 2019 Meeting Minutes

April 18, 2019

Members in attendance:  Monica Heck, Erin Morris, Barbara Call, Diana Oddenino and Maretta Yoder

NP Students in attendance:  Sarah Gibson and Maria Circosta

Meeting Location:  Taste of Thai Restaurant. Harrisonburg, VA.

Business Meeting:  

  1.  Future meetings were discussed. 

-9/19/19-sponsored by Sanofi Pharmaceutical.  Diabetes Management. 

Location:  Montpelier Restaurant in Harrisonburg, VA.

-11/21/19– Allison Chupp NP will speak about opening her own practice/clinic. 

Location:  TBD.

  • Discussion regarding autonomous practice and the challenges associated with obtaining this licensure.  Several members have applied for and received independent practice. 
  • Erin Morris, president, discussed multiple VCNP committees which the Shenandoah region still needs representation on.  Currently we only have the membership committee covered.  Diana Oddenino graciously agreed to sit on the public relations committee.  Thanks Diana!
  • The group further discussed ways we could promote nurse practitioner’s in our region.  Ideas included:  more on-line exposure, daily news record articles, assistance of Jenny Hansborough with Sentara RMH, participation in local 5K’s, etc…
  • Discussion continued regarding the on-going challenges in getting our local nurse practitioners involved in VCNP. 
  • Diana Oddenino made a motion that the Shenandoah region board members would have their annual VCNP conference fee paid for by the region as a thanks for their service.  The motion received a second and passed unanimously.  This will begin starting 2020. 

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectively submitted.

Maretta Yoder, Secretary

Shenandoah region- General Meeting Minutes February 2019

VCNP-Shenandoah Region


February 2019 Meeting Minutes


February 21, 2019


In attendance:  Erin Morris, Monica Heck, Mary Atkins, Maretta Yoder, Barbara Call, Andrea Knopp, Heather Camp, Holly Kellett, Tamie McDonald-Brower, Haley Tusing, Melody Mast, Sharon Zook, Diana Oddenino, Pamela Gipson, Donna Thacker and Victoria Krauss


NP Students in attendance:  Sarah Gibson, Maria Circosta, Jae Anaza, Hannah Ferguson and Kelsey Fortin


Meeting Location:  Bella Luna Restaurant. Harrisonburg, VA.


Meeting Topic:  Holly Kellett NP presented a talk on Irritable Bowel Syndrome


Business Meeting:


  1. Future meetings were discussed.

-4/18/19– Antipsychotic Medications in Dementia by Rimma Wolfe, Pharm D.  Location TBD.

-9/29/19-sponsored by Sanofi Pharmaceutical.  Diabetes Management.  Location TBD.

-11/21/19– Speaker and location TBD.


Andrea Knopp mentioned having an independent NP present to the group regarding her personal experience.  We will check with Allison Chupp NP to see if she is available and willing to discuss opening her own clinic.


  1. VCNP conference will be held in Roanoke from March 6-9, 2019.  The Shenandoah chapter needs to donate a basket for the raffle fundraiser.  Diana Oddenino graciously offered to purchase the contents and put the basket together. Erin Morris or Andrea Knopp will take the basket to the conference.


  1. Announcement of new officers and future request for committee members. Erin Morris, President currently receives emails from all committees and feels inundated with the massive amount of information, and therefore feels unable to adequately disseminate.  She feels this is not doing justice to our members and does not give our local NP’s the benefit of involvement.  Erin Morris will send out an email to local members with more information.


  1. Autonomous practice and GR update.  Several members have applied for and received independent practice.  There are still barriers such as payment which led into discussion of new HB that was postponed per anthem’s request.   (or else they would recommend it for “study” which would extends its release for 2 years).  Barriers also from facility by-laws in which autonomous practice not recognized.


  1. Announcement that Melody Mast, CNM will present a talk on Menopause at Sentara RMH on March 7, 2019.


  1. Diana Oddenino, a founder of our local group is offering to take on more responsibility.


  1. Sharon Zook announced her retirement at the end of this school year.


The meeting was then adjourned.





Respectively submitted.



Maretta Yoder, Secretary

Shenandoah Region General Meeting Minutes-September 2018

VCNP-Shenandoah Region


September 2018 Meeting Minutes


September 13, 2018


Members in attendance:  Chinor Fattahi, Maria Circosta, Susan Adamson, Barbara Call, Haley Tusing, Mary Atkins, Monica Heck, Andrea Knopp, Vicky Sullivan, Christine Yutzy, Lynne Eggert, Sue Klassen, Erin Morris, Maretta Yoder, Katelyn Marzolf, Victoria Krauss.


Meeting Location:  Bella Luna Restaurant, Harrisonburg, VA


Meeting Topic:  Jennifer Bryant, ACNP-BC, ACHPN presented a talk on “Palliative Care, Our Piece of the Puzzle.”  1.0 Contact hour of CME provided for participants.


Business Meeting:  

  1. Minutes from the February 2018 meeting were approved.


  1. Paige French was unable to attend the meeting, but sent an email reminder regarding the Legislative Meeting which will be held September 26, 2018 at the Augusta Health Community Care Building in Fishersville, VA.  Monica Heck NP graciously agreed to attend and will represent the Shenandoah Region.


  1. President, Erin Morris, reminded members of the upcoming November elections for the Shenandoah Region.  All positions are open including President, President- elect, Treasurer, Secretary and Historian. An email will go out to members asking for nominations. Elections will be held during the business portion of the November 15, 2018 meeting in addition to an email ballot. Vicky Sullivan agreed to remain on the ballot for the Treasurer position.


  1. Discussion regarding how new graduates can hear about our local group. Members were reminded that Nurse Practitioners and students wanting to obtain membership should go through the VCNP website. We also have a Facebook page.


  1. It was brought to the group’s attention that our events are not consistently on the VCNP website. In addition, certain members have not been getting the email notifications.  Erin Morris will look into the issue of events not being published.  It was thought likely some members were not notified secondary to recent membership renewals, and perhaps not showing up as current members since their membership briefly lapsed.


  1. Next meeting was discussed:

-11/15/18:  at Bella Luna.  Speaker:  Remma Zygerman, Pharmacist.  Exact topic has not been finalized.  Efforts will be made to obtain CME credit.


The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectively submitted.

Maretta Yoder, Secretary