Category Archives: News – Fredericksburg

News, notices, publications

4/11/24 Fredericksburg Region VCNP meeting minutes

The talk at Renatos was regarding PCSK9 inhibitors like Repatha and Praluent. these meds pull cholesterol (LDL) from the bloodstream and can lower LDL by 50-60%.

The VCNP reminds us that we are all perfectly positioned and created to be involved in political leadership for the betterment of all. Please consider getting involved in committees, local government, school boards, and beyond to influence healthcare and national leadership in a positive way. Visit to learn more.

Our next meeting 5/9/24 is at 6 Bears and a Goat: Recognizing signs of human trafficking.

Submitted 4/13/24 JPSF

3/7/24 Fredericksburg Region Meeting minutes

May 9 will feature a guest speaker on human trafficking and this meeting will be open to ALL NPs. It will be held at 6 Bears and a Goat off of Rt 17 north.

Video and poster for the upcoming VCNP conference was discussed.

The conference basket from our region is a “Balance Basket”- and has yoga and exercise items as well as sweet treats and cute sayings and signage regarding health. So cute! Thanks to Rachel for assembling it and thanks to Nicole for bringing it to the conference!

It is time to think about a legislative meet and greet again. In the past, this has been held at the Moss clinic and well attended by our legislators, senators and local mayor. We hope to get the word out to ALL NPs and CRNAs who would benefit from attending and letting the legislators knowing what our key points and challenges are in this healthcare climate. Ashley, our new Government Relations rep is willing to take this on and will be supported by those who organized it in the past.

HB 971 passed the house and the senate. Waiting for Governor Younkin to sign for it to pass.

A state level VCNP member wants to be admitted to our FB page. She is from Commonwealth PR and is asking to be involved in case our FB administrator officers leave suddenly. We have 3 administrators of our page. We started our page to be able to get information out to our regional members. No support is needed at this time, but we can contact her if needed in the future.

Submitted 3/9/24 JPSF

Fredericksburg Region meeting minutes

Speaker on Genetic testing at Renato’s restaurant.

Consider an unsponsored meeting in May with Michelle Trampe of Central Virginia Justice Association on human trafficking. Check cost of venues considering this will be unsponsored.

Nicole and Carrie will be attending the VCNP conference possibly with Hishani and Angela.

Tiffany gave treasurers report.

Nicole gave member report, we have 51 members.

Government relations rep Ashley reported the HB to have NPs solely under the BON was heard today. Autonomous practice switching permanently to a 2 year requirement.

Next meeting will be at Brock’s with Dr Farmakis of Nephrology Associates.

submitted 2/10/24 JPSF

Fredericksburg Region VCNP Meeting minutes 1/11/24

President Elect- Hishani Perera

President- Rachel Farrar

Past president- Linda Hazelgren

Secretary- Piper Schlesser-Foresman

Treasurer- Tiffany Simmons

Membership- Joan Carter

Public Relations- Nicole Brooks

Gov relations-

Our philanthropy this year started with a socks and briefs donation to Micah Ecumenical Ministries was well received and appreciated for the Cold Weather Shelter and daily needs.

The 50th Anniversary of the VCNP is this year. The VCNP conference will be 3/13-16/24 in WIlliamsburg. There will be a gala to celebrate.

MWHC will host the Virginia Heart and Vascular Institute Symposium of cardiology updates will be held at the Fredericksburg Convention Center 2/10/24 from 7am-2pm. Cost is $50. Students $25. 6 CME credits will be given, and includes breakfast, lunch and afternoon wine bar.

The Tidewater VCNP region is hosting a virtual pop up NP swag shop. Be on the lookout 1/24/24 for your NP swag!

Next meetings: 2/8/24 on Genetic Testing 3/7/24 on Kidney disease

Submitted 1/16/24 JPSF

Fredericksburg Region VCNP meeting minutes 8/11/22

Presentation by Scott Urquart, PA of Endocrinology Associates on Rybelsus- Role of endogenous GLP-1 in T2DM.

VCNP renewal time is here!

Discussion of next group event: Yoga in the park had a good turn out last year and we have 3 potential yoga instructors we could ask to host a class again this fall.

We have open positions for board members for Government Relations and Meetings/education.

Our organization donated to Madonna House, apartments for the elderly, after they suffered a devastating fire. We gave 5 gift cards to the organization collecting for the residents for $50 each.

Upcoming philanthropy invitation to Night of 1000 Pies to support Empower House, a local domestic violence shelter. This event is at Dr Rosemary O’Grady’s home 8/27/22 from 7-10pm. For our level of donation this year, we were given 4 tickets. Other individuals have tickets as well. Let Tiffany Simons know if you are interested in attending. There are also volunteer opportunities that evening to make sweet or savory pies for the event ahead of time, to help serve, help set up, or help with take down and clean-up.

For our past holiday winter meeting, we worked on assembling hygiene kits last year, which had a great turnout. Other suggestions were Oak Grove Baptist church food pantry/holiday donations of gift cards or gifts. We could assemble hygiene kits again, or are open to other suggestions.

submitted 8/14/22 JPSF

VCNP Fredericksburg Region Board Meeting 2/17/22.

VCNP conference is March 2-5. Rachel, Nicole and Hishani plan to attend the VCNP conference.
Basket ideas for the conference were discussed. Plan to ask downtown shop Wren and Sparrow to put together a basket. Cost for basket- $150 approved. Timmye will get the basket and Hishani will bring it to the conference.
Dues check received by treasurer.
Dr Fuller died in 2020. Service will be 3/25/22 at St Mary’s. Donations to Scleroderma Foundation for research were requested. $100 donation approved.
2/26/22 Melt the Ice function for black history month. Focusing on Black Health and Wellness. Information regarding Rev Curtis Harris and the program details featuring Dr Joann Harris-Lucas presenting were posted to the VCNP website.

Submitted 2/18/22 JPSF

11/4/21 Fredericksburg Region VCNP Board Meeting.

Yoga in the park had good attendance, and some new members were there.

We are still looking for a member to fill the open position on the board for President Elect. Please reach out if you feel you would like to learn and support the happenings within the VCNP this year!

Our philanthropy project for the quarter was discussed, many great ideas were shared. We decided to forgo a pharmaceutical dinner and CMEs, and instead, have an NP gathering.

12/2/21 Please join us at Basilico’s on Harrison Road from 6-8pm for a casual gathering, pizza night and to assemble hygiene kits provided by an organization which will go to girls in third world countries.

See the link for more info:

The state meeting will be in person. There is discussion regarding revamping the process to apply for CME’s. There is discussion of having one group to complete the application process for CMEs and one for the state conference.

We have 48 members currently.

Treasury report was given.


Submitted 11/28/21 JPSF

Fredericksburg Region VCNP Board Meeting 8/30/21

Planning a “Meet-your-NP” event, which has changed several times now due to rising Covid rates.

Talk to Samantha/Rachel about a “Yoga in the Park” session- meet your NP for October ( possibly 10/18/21). Mary Washington Park- bring water bottles, consider sticker labels with some NP info on the bottles, possibly small essential oil to give participants. Timmye will check with the “Scenter of Town” on the oils available. Linda will check with Rachel/Samantha on the yoga instruction.

Nominations to go out. We need a president elect after Rachel Farrar steps in as president.

Although we can’t be together in person, VCNP is committed to serving it’s members and providing member-exclusive benefits. We discussed CME options since we are unable to have a CME gathering locally. Also, the Legislative meeting this year will be postponed due to rising Covid numbers and restrictions on gatherings.

Piper suggested our local VCNP group send out the invitation she received from local endocrinology PA Scott Urquart for the 4th Annual Advanced Practice Collaborative virtual interactive conference to be held September 10-11, 2021.

A blast email invitation for the conference went out to the Mary Washington Healthcare PAs and NPs, as well as to all the VCNP members of the Fredericksburg Region including the code to cover the cost of the conference which was provided by Scott for all to use.

VCNP dues are due! Make sure your membership dues do not lapse!

Submitted 9/1/21 JPSF

VCNP Fredericksburg Region Meeting Minutes 6/14/21

Regrouping and gathering ideas were discussed to get everyone energized to be together again and spotlight our wonderful local NPs. Several ideas- yoga in the park, Bunko or some game night at a local clubhouse, meal or BBQ outside. Time frame for this event is somewhere between August and November depending on venue.

Fredericksburg VCNP’s donated $500 to Juan More Taco for their meal outreach program, especially for the elderly in the community.
$250 worth of socks were donated to Micah Ministries.
$500 was approved to be donated to the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank.

Legislative meeting this year was discussed. The event was held in the past on the second Monday in September at Moss Free Clinic. Last time, there were more legislators than NPs there!

Local program suggestions: Dr Chanda CAF talking on TAVR and Watchman procedures? Mental Health topic- Jordan from the Wellness Center? Diabetes update and new drugs- joint meeting with NPs and PAs by Scott Urquart PA?

Submitted 6/15/21 JPSF

Fredericksburg Regional VCNP Board Meeting


From the state conference: There have been 991 applications for autonomous practice. Digital NP licenses are being issued. NP Wright confirmed that her autonomous practice was listed on her digital license. Credentials Lang is still a problem and practices and hospitals. 2020 is the year of the nurse with the focus on advocacy and the ability of nurses to adapt.

There are still issues with in person meetings. There are still issues of lack of participation. Brain storming new ways to engage with telehealth and providing more regional support was discussed. There is some threat loss of jobs.

From membership: Considering virtual live chats, remote meetings, and non voting members having membership roles. Automatic license renewal. Constant contact was approved for education and the VCNP is paying the yearly fee.

From the regional CE planner: Conference planner and Public Relations: considering an alternative to the largest late of reception. Considering implicit bias training for the conference. Paying for a lawyer. Having a representative for state legislator.

Regional philanthropy possibilities for the spring: Reach out and Read, Fredericksburg Area Service league, the Dr. Yum project,, Discussed Juan More Taco providing meals for the elderly and people donating money for them to continue doing this. Decision was made to grant a $250 check to Juan More Taco to continue their good deeds.

Courtney Miller’s husband had a medical crisis, she works at Elite Woman, Hishani Perera will reach out to find out what address or contributions we can make to their go fund me account.

September meeting: Hishani Perera was asked to present her Doctorate Thesis and poster that she presented for the VCNP conference for CE for our next local meeting.

Events and Conferences

VCNP Lynchburg Region - October 2024

2025 VCNP Annual Conference
3/26/2025 - 3/29/2025