All posts by State

Fredericksburg Regional VCNP Board Meeting


From the state conference: There have been 991 applications for autonomous practice. Digital NP licenses are being issued. NP Wright confirmed that her autonomous practice was listed on her digital license. Credentials Lang is still a problem and practices and hospitals. 2020 is the year of the nurse with the focus on advocacy and the ability of nurses to adapt.

There are still issues with in person meetings. There are still issues of lack of participation. Brain storming new ways to engage with telehealth and providing more regional support was discussed. There is some threat loss of jobs.

From membership: Considering virtual live chats, remote meetings, and non voting members having membership roles. Automatic license renewal. Constant contact was approved for education and the VCNP is paying the yearly fee.

From the regional CE planner: Conference planner and Public Relations: considering an alternative to the largest late of reception. Considering implicit bias training for the conference. Paying for a lawyer. Having a representative for state legislator.

Regional philanthropy possibilities for the spring: Reach out and Read, Fredericksburg Area Service league, the Dr. Yum project,, Discussed Juan More Taco providing meals for the elderly and people donating money for them to continue doing this. Decision was made to grant a $250 check to Juan More Taco to continue their good deeds.

Courtney Miller’s husband had a medical crisis, she works at Elite Woman, Hishani Perera will reach out to find out what address or contributions we can make to their go fund me account.

September meeting: Hishani Perera was asked to present her Doctorate Thesis and poster that she presented for the VCNP conference for CE for our next local meeting.

Fredericksburg region VCNP board meeting minutes

The local board met for a meeting 1/27/16 to discuss our goals for the Fredericksburg group in 2016 and discuss planning long range events.

We will be hosting our “After the Holidays” gathering for all our Fredericksburg VCNP members on 2/20/16 at the Idlewild clubhouse, 2280 Idlewild Blvd in Fredericksburg.  All members are invited and encouraged to bring another member, student, or a potential future member to the party.  We hope to host at least 30 people.  Basilico will be catering.

We discussed our desire to be more involved with philanthropy projects in the future.  Please bring any and all ideas for possible organizations we could contribute to in some way in 2016 to the post holiday gathering as well!  We can brainstorm and tentatively plan some future projects/donations.

Our legislative chair updated us on the NP bills that are going before the VA General Assembly.  There are 5 NP bills that will be introduced concerning the collaborative practice agreement requirement in VA.  Full support of these bills by all members is important and has included emails that could be forwarded to legislators.

Discussion was held regarding how often we should have Fredericksburg Region VCNP meetings.  They have been held every month for the past few years because of the large number of pharmaceutical reps that were interested in hosting and speaking with NPs.  The reps who are able to do this have dwindled, and there was discussion of whether we should pay for our own meals and have a business meeting, whether we could apply for CE’s again and pay for our meals, or whether our limited number of reps could host a meeting, provide the meal and give a sponsored lecture.  Discussion was held regarding continuing monthly meetings during the year and taking the summer off.  We will discuss and vote at our next planned meeting whether to continue meeting with sponsored meals and lectures every other month.

The treasurer reported we now have consolidated our checking, savings and CD into one account.  We have enough money to host the holiday gathering, discuss yearly philanthropy projects and plan another local CE conference possibly for May of next year.

Submitted 2/1/16 JPSF


Fredericksburg Regional VCNP meeting minutes from 1/11/16

There will be no regular meeting in February.  Instead we will be having a fabulous gathering on 2/20/16 from 11am-1 pm at the Idlewild Clubhouse (2280 Idlewild Blvd, Fredericksburg VA 22401).  NO business meeting, just a chance to get together, relax, chat, network and have post-holiday fun!  Bring a new member! Bring a student! Bring your great ideas for the Fredericksburg VCNP 2016 year to share!!

Catered hot and cold food will be provided, casual dress.

Sign up to attend the VCNP state conference at the Homestead in Hot Springs VA 3/9-12/16.

There will be a board meeting for VCNP officers at 6:30 on 1/27/16 at Poppy Hill in Fredericksburg.

Treatment for IBS discussion was presented by Dr Jack Huang, gastroenterologist.

Submitted 1/18/16 JPSF

Updates from the Richmond Region

Updates from the Richmond Region

We’ve had a very busy fall here in the Richmond Region!!!

On October 17th the Richmond Region held the 11th Annual Pharmacology Conference. This has been an

outstanding service project for all NPs in the state as all were invited to attend.

We had the following topics and speakers:

Updates on antibiotics by Dr. James Brooks

Dermatology by Lynne McElroy, NP

Non-insulin Management of Type II DM by Dr. Sonja Fredrickson

Safe Prescribing Practices of Narcotics by Cynthia Straub, NP

Anxiolytics by Sean Convoy, DNP

Newest Treatments in Hepatitis C by Cynthia Solomon, NP

This was an excellent conference enabling NPs to obtain 6.25 pharmacology CEs.

We had our legislative Reception at Old City Bar on 10/20/15. It was hosted by Kevin Brigle,

Government Relations Chair, for the Richmond Region. The room was jam packed with several RNs,

NPs, and legislators. It was very effective in meeting our legislators and updating them on what we

would like to see in healthcare moving forward and what is needed to improve patient access to care.

We placed two billboards on route 195 and route 64 west honoring nurse practitioners for the work

they do on week of the NP, November 9-13th .

Lastly, we have 2 dinner meetings per month, 1 each month during the holidays. We have raised funds

so far for the American Cancer Society, Multiple Sclerosis, and we are currently raising funds for

Crossover Healthcare ministries.

Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners Awards $3,000 in Scholarships




Contact: Brian Chandler

Commonwealth PR





Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners Awards $3,000 in Scholarships



RICHMOND, VA – Dec. 10, 2015 – The Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners (VCNP) awarded two scholarships to local nurse practitioners at the Virginia Nurses Association gala held on Nov. 21.


Dawn Bourne, a family nurse practitioner enrolled in the Doctor of Nursing Practice program at the University of Virginia, received a $2,000 scholarship and Judy Jenks Branscom, a family nurse practitioner pursuing a Doctorate of Nursing Practice in Executive Leadership and Administration at Radford University, received a $1,000 scholarship.


“The 2015 scholarship recipients embody the principles that VCNP champions,” said Maribeth Capuno, RN, MSN, ANP-BC. “Dawn’s research into causes of distress to providers, including a lack of access to care and financial burdens, serves to highlight opportunities for NPs to improve public health, while Judy’s plan for a clinic staffed primarily by NPs to provide primary care, mental health care and pain management, aligns with our vision for nurse practitioners across the Commonwealth.”


Dawn Bourne:

In addition to her dedication to clinical practice, Bourne has a passion for clinical ethics and was invited to join the UVA Ethics Consult Service after spending an entire semester learning the core competencies of a clinical ethics consultant. In that role, she will serve as a leader and educator of healthcare providers of all disciplines as well as patients and their families. As part of her studies at UVA, Bourne’s Capstone examines moral distress in primary care providers and how it impacts the quality of health care patients receive.


Judy Jenks Branscom:

Branscom has spent more than 13 years as a nurse practitioner providing primary care in the New River Valley, during which she became concerned about the diminishing sources of primary care and mental health services. To help meet the needs of patients in Pulaski, she has developed a plan to open a primary care clinic that would offer primary care, mental health, and pain management services. In addition to her work as an NP, Branscom also serves as adjunct faculty of Nursing at Jefferson College of Health Sciences, which sparked the idea that her primary care clinic will serve as a preceptor site for all levels of nursing and mental health students.

– more –


VCNP’s scholarship, which was awarded for the first time in 2010, honors nurse practitioners and their passion for quality health care.  The scholarship is funded through donations from VCNP members and provided in part by the Virginia Nurses Foundation. Scholarship applicants must be members of VCNP who are enrolled in a doctoral program in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Applicants also must have completed 50 percent of the required hours of graduate study and exhibit academic excellence and a commitment to advanced practice nursing with strong clinical and leadership abilities

Fredericksburg Region Meeting Minutes 11/9/15

The Fredericksburg Region hosted a successful legislative reception on October 5, 2015.

Senator Bryce Reeves, Senator Stuart’s legislative assistant Dale Herndon, Delegate Bill Howell, Delegate Buddy Fowler, CEO of Mary Washington Hospital Mike McDermott, Douglas Shulte, MD and the VCNP lobbyist Richard Grossman were there with about 40 advanced practice nurses to discuss access to care and barriers to healthcare access.


The Fredericksburg Region presented a free conference for it’s members on November 7, 2015.  Local speakers were: Cherie Wright, NP on Sleep apnea and insomnia, John House, NP on Hepatitis C, Dr Michael Bias Smith on pain management and palliative care, and Sherry Hayes on aortic stenosis.


The next VCNP conference is in March 9-12, 2016 at the Homestead in Warm Springs VA.  Make your room reservations now for lower prices.


The new VCNP website is up and running.  (Which is obvious if you are reading this!)

NPs are still working on aspects of prescriptive authority.

Republicans maintain control of the senate.

The Fredericksburg region has 68 members.

Consider volunteering to be on the board- bring your new ideas and energy!

The next meeting is at The Mercantile on William Street 12/14/15.

We considered having a holiday party.  After discussion, February was a better month to gather for a post-holiday party.  We will discuss possible locations, dates and times a the next meetings.

Submitted 11/15/15 JPSF