Meeting Minutes: August 10, 2015

Meeting Date: August 10, 2015

The Fredericksburg VCNP regional meeting took place at La Petite Auberge.  Our treasurer report was given.

Our next program will be on Alzheimer’s, place to be announced.

Karen reminded us to renew on line if we know our VCNP dues are due.  This will save money if it is done before the mailing goes out.

Timmes reports the state conference is still looking for speakers.  It will be located at the Homestead this year.

Our legislative reception is set for 10/5/15.  we have 3 yes RSVPs so far.  Timmes is set for the catering.

The local fall conference is set for 11/7/15 in the Thompkin-Martins Medical plaza at Mary Washington Hospital, classroom A and B beginning at 7:45.  This will give the Moss Free Clinic time for a short presentation.  There has been no contact back from Dr Suthar on a pain management presentation.  Michelle Porthouse will reach out to Dr Byas-Smith to speak on pain instead.

The topic was on Ofrezza, the new inhaled insulin by an Endocrinologist from Northern VA.

After the business meeting, discussion was held regarding donating to the PAC for the VCNP.  It was unanimous that we would like to donate as a group.  $200.00 was the amount decided for the donation.  Tiffany will send it in.

Submitted 8/12/15 JPSF

Events and Conferences

Oct 2024

Mar 2025

2025 VCNP Annual Conference
3/26/2025 - 3/29/2025