Frederisckburg Region VCNP meeting

10/10/16 meeting in Central Park.

Update from the Board of Directors meeting:  We are pursuing another bill for full practice authority again.  We are working at taking away the requirement for collaborating MD language.  Several regions are doing legislative meetings this fall.  The Fredericksburg region decided against this since we met with our legislators at our meeting last fall and such an enthusiastic turnout.  Contact the legislators you know personally to discuss what an NP is and does, and how this independent practice bill will benefit all Virginians.

Our lobbyist is Richard Grossman.

Treasurers report given.  We receive $25 annually for each member.  We now have 78 members.

We discussed and decided on a $500 donation to Mary’s Shelter along with the gift cards and supplies that were donated and collected tonight.  One more email reminder will go out for those who still want to contribute and then Karen and Michelle will deliver them to the shelter in late October or early November.

Cards were signed for Jessica, and flowers will be sent to her home now that she is finished with the final stage of her surgery.

The next meeting is 11/14/16.

We discussed the local conference at the Fick Center on 5/5/17.  The hospitality house will be giving Piper the final yes or no on use of the facility late October or early November.  A full day conference was discussed.  Suggestions for speakers and topics were suggested:

Dr William Anderson on pain management.  Michelle will talk to Dr Anderson.

Dr John Mclaughlin on mindfulness.  VIVA NPs will talk to Dr Mclaughlin

A social worker on professional boundaries.  Trish will talk to the social worker.

Infectious Disease MD on a topic.  Michelle will talk to Dr Chiang or Dr Franchi.

Dr Fortunato on colon cancer.  Tiffany will talk to Dr Fortunato.

Ideas, speakers and topics will need to be finalized by email before the next meeting 11/14/16, so outlines, goals and objectives can be sent in to the board for the CEs.

Submitted 10/12/16 JPSF

Events and Conferences

Oct 2024

Mar 2025

2025 VCNP Annual Conference
3/26/2025 - 3/29/2025