Fredericksburg Region VCNP meeting minutes 9/10/18

Membership is now an 18 month membership.  Several members have not renewed.

The board will be sending out a letter with their accomplishments to make NPs aware of all they have done advocating for us.  This will be accompanied by a letter reminding NPs to renew their membership or sign up if they have never been a member.

We had 2 philanthropy projects this quarter.  The Night of 1000 Pies was a yummy success with a VCNP banner displayed prominently at the party.  Members also got to speak with and thank Speaker Howell for his help with Bill 793.  Our “scholarship” for a food service worker has yet to be acknowledged by Micah Ministries.  Tiffany will follow up and make sure the check was cashed and made it to the right place.

Government Relations- Bill 793 was passed with the 9,000 hours of experience stipulation.

All NPS will need to do an attestation that they have practiced and have over 9,000 hours of experience which will then need to be signed by their collaborating physician.  This will go in their file and not need to be done again if they don’t change specialties.

Hopefully the VCNP will put an Attestation template on their website, to facilitate the uniform language of this document for all NPs.

An attorney has been hired for the VCNP.  Winifred Carson-

Linda Hazelgren is the incoming president and will start 3/2019.

Conference Committee position is vacant.

2 DNP scholarships were awarded, but no one in our group got one.  Hishani shared that the scholarship required the student to have already completed 18 credits toward their degree before they could be eligible.  Delisa will look into this requirement to verify.  Hopefully Hishani can apply next semester.

Submitted 9/12/18 JPSF

Events and Conferences

Oct 2024

Mar 2025

2025 VCNP Annual Conference
3/26/2025 - 3/29/2025