Fredericksburg Region VCNP meeting minutes 3/9/2020

Meeting was held at Castiglia’s, sponsored by Amovig for Migraines.

Rachel Farrar has agreed to President Elect role.

Hishani Perera graduated her DNP program 12/2019 and will now be State Conference Committee Chair. She presented her poster at the VCNP conference. Her doctorate project won 2 awards:

Nicole Brooks, Membership, updated us on the last call meeting. Having CEs at the local meetings make NPs attend more meetings. They are considering automatic renewal for VCNP membership and dues. VCNP liked the fact that the last few meetings included NPs and PAs.

Timmye Ross, Public Relations chair, informed us there is a new form to obtain CEs for the group.

Linda Hazelgren, president, Shared that Jill Sarbaugh, NP with Cardiology Associates will be doing a talk on the Watchman procedure for our group.

Consideration for a Autumn local conference.

Consideration of a philanthropy project for the spring. Linda has done the presentation for “Athletes Don’t” a few times. This is about going in to high schools and educating/talking about the hazards of vaping.

Volunteer opportunities at Living Waters, Moss Free Clinic.

Moss Free Clinic is sponsoring a 5K run.

Next meeting Orofino’s on Invokana 4/13/2020.

Submitted 3/12/2020 JPSF

Events and Conferences

Oct 2024

Mar 2025

2025 VCNP Annual Conference
3/26/2025 - 3/29/2025