Fredericksburg Region VCNP meeting minutes 4/8/19

Our officers are now:

President:  Linda Hazelgren

President Elect:  Vacant

Past President:  Cherie Wright

Program Chair: Lisa Keel

Public Relations: Timmye Ross

Conference Chair:  Hishani Perera

Membership:  Nicole Brooks

Secretary:  Piper Schlesser-Foresman

Treasurer: Tiffany Simons

Legislative Chair:  Cathy Duncan

Timmye talked to a writer for the Front Porch who is interested in writing and article in the future.  Amy Sales of the VCNP with commonwealth PR can help with writing a local article on NPs.

We do not know if we will have a sponsor for the 5/2019 program.  A program is set for June on Migraines. The nephrology group, specifically Dr Nouraldeen would like to do a CKD talk.

Cathy Duncan is wanting to have a legislative meeting again in September.  Possible dates are 9/9 or 9/16.

Submitted 7/11/19 JPSF

Events and Conferences

Oct 2024

Mar 2025

2025 VCNP Annual Conference
3/26/2025 - 3/29/2025