Shenandoah Region General Meeting Minutes-November 2017

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

November Meeting Minutes


November 9, 2017


Members in attendance: Cinor Fattahi, Ruth Holmaas, Tracy Seefried, Erin Morris, Sue Klassen, Diana Oddenino, Maretta Yoder, Monica Heck, Barbara Call, Susan Adamson

Meeting Location: Taste of Thai Restaurant, Harrisonburg VA.

Meeting Topic: Family Based Treatment for Adolescents with Eating Disorders. Speaker: Sue Klassen


Business Meeting:

1. Minutes from the September 2017 meeting were approved.

2. Members introduced themselves.

3. Susan Adamson, Membership Chair, announced that we currently have 69 members in the Shenandoah region, which is down about 10 members from last year this time.

4. Susan Adamson announced that she would need to step down as Membership Chair. This position requires 4-5 telephone meetings per year and these calls have moved to Wednesday nights, which doesn’t work with her schedule. In addition, it requires sending out reminders to local nurse practitioners if there membership drops. Monica Heck has graciously agreed to take over as membership chair.

5. President, Erin Morris reminded us that Ambi Zeller-Hahn is stepping down from her position on the legislative committee, effective January 1, 2018. This next year is going to be the biggest legislative push in the past decade for full independent practice. We are looking for a member to take on this committee position.

6. Erin Morris also informed us that there are legislative packets available if we visit any of our legislatures- the state organization wants to know who we are visiting. Members were encouraged to see Erin Morris if they had questions or wanted to receive packets.

7. Ms. Morris also reminded members that if there are exciting things happening in our places of employment or in our region to let her know so that this can be highlighted in the State newsletter.

8. Erin also mentioned that our region does not currently have any signage. These signs are helpful to put out at restaurants or local events. There was unanimous agreement to pursue purchasing a sign. Erin Morris will look into the cost.

9. Erin announced that if anyone is interested in running for state elections to let her know. The state board is always looking for more candidates.

10. Next meetings tentatively planned for February 15, 2018 and April 19, 2018. Maretta Yoder will work on speaker and venue.


The meeting was then adjourned.



Respectively submitted.


Maretta Yoder, Secretary

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3/26/2025 - 3/29/2025