Meeting Minutes: June 8, 2015

6/8/15 Fredericksburg Region VCNP met at Capitol Ale House in Fredericksburg.  Officer positions are now filled:  Michelle Porthouse- president, Cherie Wright- president elect, Karen Hlywa- membership, Sherry Pemberton- legislative, Piper Schlesser- secretary, Tiffany Simmons- treasurer, Delisa Showers- awards and nominations, Timmes Ross- conference committee, Brenda Crum- program director.


Michelle briefed the members on the VCNP Board of directors meeting and the strategis plan for 2015-2016.  We are working toward full practice authority to increase sccess to care for Virginians.  Talking points for the members are available to get the word out to our elected officials and the public.


The legislative reception is set for 10/5/15 from 6-8 at the Moss Free Clinic in Fredericksburg.  Sherry circulated the save-the-date email and ideas for an evite to go out to our elected officials was discussed.  The design looked good and was approved.  It was decided that email was the preferred method of contacting the legislators, so the evite was approved.


The Fredericksburg region is planning a local conference in the fall.  11/7/15 was discussed as a possible date.  Similar to the previous local conference last year it will be free to VCNP members.  The tentative speakers will be Cherie- on sleep disorders, John- on Hepatitis C, pharmacist Nguyen- on compounding, and Dr Suthar- on pain management.


Lisa discussed her findings regarding NP week and the newspaper ad we had discussed:  a half page costs $800.  Members discussed considering a radio ad with WFLS.  The VCNP also has a PR person we could contact, Richard Chandler.  Lisa would try to reach him.  The members also discussed how best to reach the local NPs who do not come to meetings or are not members of the VCNP.  Cherie, Piper, Lisa, Sherry and Michelle will work on getting the word out through the media of the hospitals in the area.


The members agreed to pay for Michelle’s expenses to attend the leadership conference.  Membership received $575 from the VCNP.  Treasurer report was completed.


THe Moss Free Clinic is in need of volunteers and would like to present themselves to the region at on of the upcoming meetings.


There is a fun run 6/21/15 which will support the Regional Cancer Center, register soon!


The next Fredericksburg VCNP meeting will be 7/13/15 at Renatos in Fredericksburg.

Events and Conferences

Oct 2024

Mar 2025

2025 VCNP Annual Conference
3/26/2025 - 3/29/2025