Monthly Archives: March 2017

Shenandoah Region Board Meeting Minutes January 31, 2017

VCNP-Shenandoah Region Board Meeting

Meeting Minutes

January 31, 2017


Members in attendance:  Paige French, Victoria Sullivan, Mary Atkins, Susan Adamson, Erin Morris, Ambi Zeller- Hahn and Maretta Yoder

Meeting Location:  Go-To Meeting

Meeting topic:  Update from the VCNP State Board Meeting and issues specific for Shenandoah Region.


The following issues were discussed: 

  1. Full practice bill from December of 2016. VCNP found out VHHA was putting in their own bill. We will not move forward without AANP support.  We want to take out team based care and increase access to care.  VCNP is committed to vet our plans with AANP.

-Issues of concern:  Employers say NP’s are not coming out of school prepared to be independent.  –No board oversight of NP education in Virginia.   –Online programs are being questioned.

  1. Challenge PAC funds. $2500 has been raised with goal of $10,000.00.  This money is to support our legislators and must come out of PAC not from the organization.  Members can donate directly on the website and challenge is $10.00 per member or a total of $720.00 for our region.
  2. Bylaws for the Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners Shenandoah Region were briefly reviewed and board members were encouraged to review more thoroughly on their own time.
  3. Discussion of the VCNP conference in Williamsburg on March 8-11. Attendees were reminded to bring non-perishable food items or money to donate to the Virginia Peninsula Food Bank.
  4. Call for nominations and elections. The Shenandoah region is currently accepting nominations for the President, President-elect and Treasurer.  Nominations are due by March 1, 2017 and should be sent to Sharon Zook at
  5. Susan Adamson updated us on membership. Currently 76 members.   She will email the list of persons who have dropped their membership as well as complete list of members.  Attendees were reminded to encourage others to get involved at the local and state level.
  6. Discussion of how to mentor new graduates and get them involved.
  7. We celebrated the Veterans Affair Hospital achieving full practice authority for nurse practitioners.
  8. Plan to post more information from the Shenandoah Region on our Facebook page in an effort to get more people involved.
  9. Victoria Sullivan gave a treasurer’s update. Approximately $6,000.00 in the account and $3,000 in a CD.  The CD was further discussed and decision made for the new administration to consider the CD and what we want to do with this money.  What is the purpose?
  10. After discussion, decision was made to offer an honorarium to Dr. Hedrick, who will be our speaker on ERAS at the February 2017 meeting.  We appreciate her willingness to share her expertise with us.
  11. April meeting will be moved to April 20, 2017. Further details to come.


The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectively submitted,

Maretta Yoder, secretary



Shenandoah Region General Meeting Minutes February 2017

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2017


Members in attendance:  Ruth Holmaas, Ambi Zeller-Hahn, Mary Faith Dudley, Sharon Zook, Susan Adamson, Maretta Yoder, Beth Poore-Bowman, Mary Atkins



Meeting Location:  Emilio’s Restaurant in Staunton, VA.



Meeting topic:  “ERAS-Enhanced Recovery After Surgery” by Dr. Traci Hendrick from UVA. 



Business Meeting:


Minutes from the September 2016 meeting were approved.


-It is time for elections- President elect and treasurer positions are open.  Anyone with nominations is encouraged to e-mail names to Sharon Zook.


-Challenge PAC funds were discussed.  Each member of the VCNP is encouraged to donate $10.00 towards this initiative.  Envelopes were distributed at this meeting.


-2 local physicians have openings for nurse practitioners- Dr. Rebecca Botticelli with the local VA clinic has a full time position and Dr. Shafqat has an opening for 1 week a month.


-Discussed potential locations for future meetings.  Recommendation was made to use a conference room at Sentara RMH with meal catered by Taste of Thai Restaurant.  Maretta Yoder will check on details.


-Next meeting will be April 20, 2017.  Topic and location to be announced.




The meeting was then adjourned.


Respectively submitted,


Maretta Yoder, Secretary


Shenandoah Region General Meeting Minutes September 2016

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2016


Persons in attendance:  Sue Klassen, Barbara Call, Vickie Carothers, Susan Adamson, Lynne Eggert, Jean Waters, Kasey Saunders, Sharon Strang, Kristin Hanger, Andrea Knopp, Chris Yutzy, Deonna Dearing, Pete Hill, Maretta Yoder, Mary Faith Dudley, Amy Chico, Erin Morris, Vicky Sullivan, Paige French, Tonia Martin, Drew White, Ruth Holmaas


Meeting location:  Taste of Thai Restaurant in Harrisonburg, VA.


Meeting topic:  “Clinical pearls for pre-op physicals” by Andrew White NP


Business Meeting:


Minutes from the April 2016 meeting were approved.


-Vicky Sullivan, treasurer, reported $6,000.00 in our checking account and $3,000.00 in a CD.


-Current officers were introduced:

-President:  Paige French

-Membership Chair:  Susan Adamson

-Treasurer:  Vicky Sullivan

-Secretary:  Maretta Yoder

-Nominations:  Sharon Strang


  1. Non-members in attendance were encouraged to get involved and become members.  Plan is to have 2 spring meetings and 2 fall meetings annually.


  1. All members were encouraged to attend the VNA Legislative Dinner meeting on 10/12/2016, which is our next meeting.  Contact Paige French to register if interested in attending.


  1. Sharon Strang was pleased to announce that Michele Hughes, a JMU student, received the VCNP scholarship.


  1. Andrea Knopp is the JMU representative to AANP.  She shared that Virginia is in an uphill battle for independent practice.  We were strongly encouraged to get active in our local government and fight for independent practice while not compromising our prescriptive authority.  We need to engage our physician colleagues to advocate for full scope of practice to meet the needs of our patients.  The Veterans Administration wants us to have full practice authority in their facilities, which will only help our cause.   In addition, we need to reach out to other APRN’s and support each other.


  1. Next meeting will be in collaboration with VNA at Augusta Health for our Legislative Dinner Meeting October 12th then on February 9, 2016.  We should all be thinking of a venue and speaker.



The meeting was then adjourned.


Respectively submitted,


Maretta Yoder, Secretary.