HB 1737 Update: Our bill is advancing – continue to contact your legislators


HB 1737 will be heard in full committee on Tuesday, January 26.

Today the Health Professions Subcommittee of the House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee heard Delegate Dawn Adams’ legislation, which would permanently reduce the clinical experience needed for autonomous practice from five years to two years. Speaking in favor of the legislation included VCNP president Becky Compton as well as Clareen Wiencek, advanced practice program director at the University of Virginia School of Nursing, who presented solid testimony emphasizing the considerable education and training NPs receive in school. Also speaking in favor were Mary Kay Goldschmidt for the Virginia Nurses Association and Elizabeth Cushing of AARP. We are pleased to report that our bill received unanimous support in subcommittee and both Delegate Adams and Delegate Robinson spoke in favor of the legislation during debate.

Speaking against the bill included MSV and its specialty societies for medical students, emergency room physicians and family doctors. Some of these concerns were later raised again by Delegate Karrie K. Delaney, who we knew was on the fence about how she was going to vote on this bill. She said through the testimony given, she was more comfortable that NP education and training was sufficient for autonomous practice but that she would be considering additional information before committing her final vote in full committee. The full committee will next meet at 9 am on Tuesday, January 26. Typically bills that are heard in subcommittee are not reheard in full committee, unless a member on the full committee wants to re-open the debate. It is important that the full committee continue to hear from VCNP members over the weekend and throughout Monday in order to keep this bill moving forward.

How can you help? Here’s how!

Use the Muster advocacy system to contact your legislators. VCNP Members received an email this afternoon with information on how to connect, or they can log in to their member profile and look for the latest Muster campaign under the “Advocacy” tab.

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