Category Archives: News – Shenandoah

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Shenandoah region- general minute meetings- February 2018

VCNP-Shenandoah Region


February 2018 Meeting Minutes


February 15, 2018


Members in attendance:  Barbara Call, Erin Morris, Monica Heck, Maria Circosta NP student, Mary Atkins, Sheri Tratnack, Paige French, Maretta Yoder, Christine Yutzy, Vicky Sullivan, Chinor Fattahi, Jennifer Bryant, Mary Faith Dudley, Susan Adamson, Ambi Zeller-Hahn.


Meeting Location:  Taste of Thai Restaurant. Harrisonburg, VA.


Meeting Topic:  Sherri Tratnack NP presented a talk on Psychotropic medications in primary care:  How far should we go?


Business Meeting:


  1. Minutes from the November 2017 meeting were approved.


  1. Discussion regarding purchase of a projector and screen for use at our meetings.  Approximate cost of $175.00.  Consensus was to proceed with purchase. Maretta Yoder plans to purchase prior to our September 2018 meeting.


  1. President, Erin Morris reminded us of the VCNP annual conference in March of 2018.  The Shenandoah region needs to provide a raffle basket with value of $150.00.  Erin will purchase the basket and Monica Heck agreed to deliver the basket to the conference.


  1. Future meetings were discussed.

-4/19/18– will be sponsored by Sanofi Pharmaceuticals.  Venue to be determined.

-9/20/18-will be at Bella Luna.  Palliative Care from Sentara RMH will provide education.  Attempts will be made to get CE credits.

-11/15/18-will tentatively be at Bella Luna.  Speaker will be a pharmacist, Remma Zygerman.  She plans on further discussing mood stabilizers, antidepressants and antipsychotics.  Again, eff orts will be made to obtain CE credits.

-There was discussion regarding a summer meeting; however, it was felt that with everyone’s different schedules, there would likely be a low attendance.  For now, will continue with the 2 spring and 2 fall meetings.


  1. There was a lengthy discussion regarding HB 793. President, Erin Morris reviewed the specifics of the bill.  Discussion revolved around concerns of how this would impact practice and whether we should be in favor or opposed to this bill.  There were opinions voiced on both sides.  Erin Morris has continued to relay our concerns to VCNP and has kept the Shenandoah members up to date on their responses.


  1. Our next meeting will be on Thursday April 19, 2018.  The meal will be sponsored by Sanofi Pharmaceuticals.  Speaker and venue to be determined.



The meeting was then adjourned.





Respectively submitted.



Maretta Yoder, Secretary

Shenandoah Region General Meeting Minutes-November 2017

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

November Meeting Minutes


November 9, 2017


Members in attendance: Cinor Fattahi, Ruth Holmaas, Tracy Seefried, Erin Morris, Sue Klassen, Diana Oddenino, Maretta Yoder, Monica Heck, Barbara Call, Susan Adamson

Meeting Location: Taste of Thai Restaurant, Harrisonburg VA.

Meeting Topic: Family Based Treatment for Adolescents with Eating Disorders. Speaker: Sue Klassen


Business Meeting:

1. Minutes from the September 2017 meeting were approved.

2. Members introduced themselves.

3. Susan Adamson, Membership Chair, announced that we currently have 69 members in the Shenandoah region, which is down about 10 members from last year this time.

4. Susan Adamson announced that she would need to step down as Membership Chair. This position requires 4-5 telephone meetings per year and these calls have moved to Wednesday nights, which doesn’t work with her schedule. In addition, it requires sending out reminders to local nurse practitioners if there membership drops. Monica Heck has graciously agreed to take over as membership chair.

5. President, Erin Morris reminded us that Ambi Zeller-Hahn is stepping down from her position on the legislative committee, effective January 1, 2018. This next year is going to be the biggest legislative push in the past decade for full independent practice. We are looking for a member to take on this committee position.

6. Erin Morris also informed us that there are legislative packets available if we visit any of our legislatures- the state organization wants to know who we are visiting. Members were encouraged to see Erin Morris if they had questions or wanted to receive packets.

7. Ms. Morris also reminded members that if there are exciting things happening in our places of employment or in our region to let her know so that this can be highlighted in the State newsletter.

8. Erin also mentioned that our region does not currently have any signage. These signs are helpful to put out at restaurants or local events. There was unanimous agreement to pursue purchasing a sign. Erin Morris will look into the cost.

9. Erin announced that if anyone is interested in running for state elections to let her know. The state board is always looking for more candidates.

10. Next meetings tentatively planned for February 15, 2018 and April 19, 2018. Maretta Yoder will work on speaker and venue.


The meeting was then adjourned.



Respectively submitted.


Maretta Yoder, Secretary

Shenandoah Region General Meeting Minutes-September 2017

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

September Meeting Minutes

September 21, 2017

Members in attendance:  Erin Morris, Sue Klassen, Diana Oddenino, Vitoria Sullivan, Ruth Holmaas, Maretta Yoder, Chino Fattahu  Mary Faith Dudley

Meeting Location:  Local Chop and Grill House. Harrisonburg, VA.

Meeting Topic: Meeting was sponsored by Lilly Pharmaceutical.  Once weekly Trulicity- injectable option for patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.  Speaker:  Dr. James Mulinda, endocrinologist from Roanoke, VA. 

Business Meeting:

  1. Minutes from the April 2017 meeting were approved.
  1. President, Erin Morris informed us that she will be attending the State Board Meeting on  Saturday September 23, 2017 at Boars Head Inn.  She invited others to attend. 
  1. Erin Morris also informed the group that Ambi Zeller-Hahn has decided to step down from her position on the legislative committee.  An e-mail will be sent to members looking for volunteers to join this committee.

4.  Members were encouraged to attend the Conference on Opioids at James Madison University on Saturday October 21, 2017 from 9 AM to 4 PM.  An e-mail will be sent to members. 

5.  Next meeting will be on Thursday November 9, 2017.  Plan is to find a speaker and meet at either Bella Luna or Taste of Thai restaurant. 

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectively submitted.

Maretta Yoder, Secretary

Shenandoah Region General Meeting Minutes April 2017

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

Meeting Minutes

April 20, 2017



Persons in attendance: Erin Morris, Vicky Sullivan, Christine Yutzy, Lynne Eggert, Susan Adamson, Kaya Norton, Marty Jones, Elizabeth Philpott, Ambi Zeller-Hahn, Ruth Holmaas, Mary Faith Dudley, Barbara Call, Mary Atkins, Sharon Strang Zook, Paige French and Maretta Yoder


Meeting location:  RMH Atrium.  Meal was catered by Taste of Thai Restaurant.


Meeting topic:  “Atrial Fibrillation” by Beth Poore-Bowman NP


Business Meeting:


  1. Minutes from the February 2017 meeting were approved.



  1. Members were encouraged to contribute at least $10.00 to the PAC fund.


  1. It was announced that the Homestead location was being taken out of the VCNP conference rotation. Norfolk Hilton on Main has been added.


  1. Paige French was thanked for putting together the basket from our region for the raffle fundraiser at the VCNP annual conference.


  1. It was announced that the VCNP Membership committee has decided to transition to a once a year cycle for membership renewals.


  1. Shenandoah chapter election results were announced. There were a total of 22 votes with no write-ins.

Newly elected officers include:

President:  Erin Morris, upon licensure

President-elect:  Ruth Holmass

Treasurer:  Vicky Sullivan.



  1. Paige French has graciously agreed to remain chapter president until Erin Morris obtains licensure.


  1. Job openings in the area were announced:

-Free Clinic is hiring a part time NP.

-Hospice is hiring a part-time NP.

-Sentara RMH is hiring multiple positions:

-Outpatient internal medicine with Dr. Urena Hernandez.

-Outpatient family medicine with Dr. Wenger and Monica Clark Covert NP

-Palliative care at the hospital.

-Behavioral health in outpatient clinic.

-Hospitalist day position.


  1. Members and attendees were invited to a Pharmaceutical dinner meeting from Basaglar rep.  Thursday April 27, 2017, 6:30 PM at the Chop House.  Brochure was distributed and members were encouraged to attend.


  1. Next meeting will be held in September 2017.  Date, topic and location TBD.

-Multiple persons have expressed interest in speaking to our group:

-Counselor from Bridgewater College who is a trauma expert and willing to speak on Trauma informed care.

-Pharmaceutical representative from Basaglar.

-Local pharmacist, who is a friend of Amy Graham is willing to speak.


  1. Discussion about a summer meeting by the Eliquis rep with Pfizer. Maretta Yoder will contact representative about a possible dinner meeting in the next 6-8 weeks.



The meeting was then adjourned.


Respectively submitted,


Maretta Yoder, Secretary.

Shenandoah Region Board Meeting Minutes January 31, 2017

VCNP-Shenandoah Region Board Meeting

Meeting Minutes

January 31, 2017


Members in attendance:  Paige French, Victoria Sullivan, Mary Atkins, Susan Adamson, Erin Morris, Ambi Zeller- Hahn and Maretta Yoder

Meeting Location:  Go-To Meeting

Meeting topic:  Update from the VCNP State Board Meeting and issues specific for Shenandoah Region.


The following issues were discussed: 

  1. Full practice bill from December of 2016. VCNP found out VHHA was putting in their own bill. We will not move forward without AANP support.  We want to take out team based care and increase access to care.  VCNP is committed to vet our plans with AANP.

-Issues of concern:  Employers say NP’s are not coming out of school prepared to be independent.  –No board oversight of NP education in Virginia.   –Online programs are being questioned.

  1. Challenge PAC funds. $2500 has been raised with goal of $10,000.00.  This money is to support our legislators and must come out of PAC not from the organization.  Members can donate directly on the website and challenge is $10.00 per member or a total of $720.00 for our region.
  2. Bylaws for the Virginia Council of Nurse Practitioners Shenandoah Region were briefly reviewed and board members were encouraged to review more thoroughly on their own time.
  3. Discussion of the VCNP conference in Williamsburg on March 8-11. Attendees were reminded to bring non-perishable food items or money to donate to the Virginia Peninsula Food Bank.
  4. Call for nominations and elections. The Shenandoah region is currently accepting nominations for the President, President-elect and Treasurer.  Nominations are due by March 1, 2017 and should be sent to Sharon Zook at
  5. Susan Adamson updated us on membership. Currently 76 members.   She will email the list of persons who have dropped their membership as well as complete list of members.  Attendees were reminded to encourage others to get involved at the local and state level.
  6. Discussion of how to mentor new graduates and get them involved.
  7. We celebrated the Veterans Affair Hospital achieving full practice authority for nurse practitioners.
  8. Plan to post more information from the Shenandoah Region on our Facebook page in an effort to get more people involved.
  9. Victoria Sullivan gave a treasurer’s update. Approximately $6,000.00 in the account and $3,000 in a CD.  The CD was further discussed and decision made for the new administration to consider the CD and what we want to do with this money.  What is the purpose?
  10. After discussion, decision was made to offer an honorarium to Dr. Hedrick, who will be our speaker on ERAS at the February 2017 meeting.  We appreciate her willingness to share her expertise with us.
  11. April meeting will be moved to April 20, 2017. Further details to come.


The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectively submitted,

Maretta Yoder, secretary



Shenandoah Region General Meeting Minutes February 2017

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2017


Members in attendance:  Ruth Holmaas, Ambi Zeller-Hahn, Mary Faith Dudley, Sharon Zook, Susan Adamson, Maretta Yoder, Beth Poore-Bowman, Mary Atkins



Meeting Location:  Emilio’s Restaurant in Staunton, VA.



Meeting topic:  “ERAS-Enhanced Recovery After Surgery” by Dr. Traci Hendrick from UVA. 



Business Meeting:


Minutes from the September 2016 meeting were approved.


-It is time for elections- President elect and treasurer positions are open.  Anyone with nominations is encouraged to e-mail names to Sharon Zook.


-Challenge PAC funds were discussed.  Each member of the VCNP is encouraged to donate $10.00 towards this initiative.  Envelopes were distributed at this meeting.


-2 local physicians have openings for nurse practitioners- Dr. Rebecca Botticelli with the local VA clinic has a full time position and Dr. Shafqat has an opening for 1 week a month.


-Discussed potential locations for future meetings.  Recommendation was made to use a conference room at Sentara RMH with meal catered by Taste of Thai Restaurant.  Maretta Yoder will check on details.


-Next meeting will be April 20, 2017.  Topic and location to be announced.




The meeting was then adjourned.


Respectively submitted,


Maretta Yoder, Secretary


Shenandoah Region General Meeting Minutes September 2016

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

Meeting Minutes

September 15, 2016


Persons in attendance:  Sue Klassen, Barbara Call, Vickie Carothers, Susan Adamson, Lynne Eggert, Jean Waters, Kasey Saunders, Sharon Strang, Kristin Hanger, Andrea Knopp, Chris Yutzy, Deonna Dearing, Pete Hill, Maretta Yoder, Mary Faith Dudley, Amy Chico, Erin Morris, Vicky Sullivan, Paige French, Tonia Martin, Drew White, Ruth Holmaas


Meeting location:  Taste of Thai Restaurant in Harrisonburg, VA.


Meeting topic:  “Clinical pearls for pre-op physicals” by Andrew White NP


Business Meeting:


Minutes from the April 2016 meeting were approved.


-Vicky Sullivan, treasurer, reported $6,000.00 in our checking account and $3,000.00 in a CD.


-Current officers were introduced:

-President:  Paige French

-Membership Chair:  Susan Adamson

-Treasurer:  Vicky Sullivan

-Secretary:  Maretta Yoder

-Nominations:  Sharon Strang


  1. Non-members in attendance were encouraged to get involved and become members.  Plan is to have 2 spring meetings and 2 fall meetings annually.


  1. All members were encouraged to attend the VNA Legislative Dinner meeting on 10/12/2016, which is our next meeting.  Contact Paige French to register if interested in attending.


  1. Sharon Strang was pleased to announce that Michele Hughes, a JMU student, received the VCNP scholarship.


  1. Andrea Knopp is the JMU representative to AANP.  She shared that Virginia is in an uphill battle for independent practice.  We were strongly encouraged to get active in our local government and fight for independent practice while not compromising our prescriptive authority.  We need to engage our physician colleagues to advocate for full scope of practice to meet the needs of our patients.  The Veterans Administration wants us to have full practice authority in their facilities, which will only help our cause.   In addition, we need to reach out to other APRN’s and support each other.


  1. Next meeting will be in collaboration with VNA at Augusta Health for our Legislative Dinner Meeting October 12th then on February 9, 2016.  We should all be thinking of a venue and speaker.



The meeting was then adjourned.


Respectively submitted,


Maretta Yoder, Secretary.

Shenandoah Region General Meeting Minutes April 2016

VCNP-Shenandoah Region
Meeting Minutes
April 27, 2016


Members in attendance: Sue Klassen, Susan Adamson, Vicky Sullivan, Paige French, Barbara Call, Erin Morris, Pete Hill, Mary Atkins, Pamela Gipson, and Maretta Yoder.


Meeting location: Beyond Restaurant in Harrisonburg.


Meeting topic: What is “taxing” our practices?
The following issues were discussed:
1. Sentara RMH has switched to EPIC computer system; multiple members shared their frustration with adjusting to a new system and the need to still provide care for their patients.
2. Independent nurse practitioner practices and the resultant challenges.
3. Epidemic of substance abuse; challenges with providing pain management and risk of addiction in our patients. The seriousness of the responsibility that comes with writing narcotic prescriptions.
4. 2 nurse practitioner students were present and discussed the challenges with finding preceptor sites.
5. Paige French discussed RAM- remote area mission that will be taking place in Southwest Virginia the third weekend in July of 2016. Now accepting applications. Members were advised to let Paige know if they are interested in more information.
6. While discussing RAM- (#5) Pete Hill and Paige French expressed the importance of making sure our contracts have clauses regarding volunteer opportunities.
7. Paige French discussed a recent substance abuse conference that she attended at Virginia Commonwealth University.
8. Paige French and Erin Morris shared that they will be attending Board Meeting/Leadership training on May 14, 2016.


Tentative future meetings were planned:
August 2016- board meeting.
September 15, 2016- tentative plan to get a seasoned nurse practitioner to discuss her multiple roles as a provider or to discuss expectations of pre-op physicals. Depending on topic we may pursue getting CEU credits for this presentation.
October 13, 2016- tentative plan to have Paige French discuss substance abuse and the neurobiology of addiction.
February 9, 2017- tentative future meeting date.
April 13, 2017- tentative future meeting date.


The meeting was then adjourned.
Respectively submitted,
Maretta Yoder, Secretary.

Events and Conferences

VCNP Lynchburg Region - October 2024

2025 VCNP Annual Conference
3/26/2025 - 3/29/2025