Governor Northam will not renew the COVID state of emergency when it expires on June 30. This means that Virginia’s NPs will need a practice agreement or autonomous practice licensure beginning July 1. Thanks to the success of House Bill 1737, NPs with at least two years of clinical experience are eligible to apply for autonomous practice licensure. The application has been updated on the Board of Nursing web site, and applications are now being accepted.
If you have at least two years of clinical experience (equivalent to 3,600 hours), you have two options –
- Apply for autonomous practice licensure
- Re-enter a practice agreement
Apply at
Please note that you will receive an email when you application is approved. You will not receive a new license until your next license renewal.
Regrouping and gathering ideas were discussed to get everyone energized to be together again and spotlight our wonderful local NPs. Several ideas- yoga in the park, Bunko or some game night at a local clubhouse, meal or BBQ outside. Time frame for this event is somewhere between August and November depending on venue.
Fredericksburg VCNP’s donated $500 to Juan More Taco for their meal outreach program, especially for the elderly in the community.
$250 worth of socks were donated to Micah Ministries.
$500 was approved to be donated to the Fredericksburg Area Food Bank.
Legislative meeting this year was discussed. The event was held in the past on the second Monday in September at Moss Free Clinic. Last time, there were more legislators than NPs there!
Local program suggestions: Dr Chanda CAF talking on TAVR and Watchman procedures? Mental Health topic- Jordan from the Wellness Center? Diabetes update and new drugs- joint meeting with NPs and PAs by Scott Urquart PA?
Submitted 6/15/21 JPSF
VCNP-Shenandoah Region
May 2021 Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2021
Members in attendance: Sarah Gibson, Monica Heck, Vicky Sullivan, Maretta Yoder, Heather Codding, Haley Tusing, Susan Adamson, Andrea Knopp, Amy Graham. Virtual: Lynne Poole
Meeting Location: Vito’s Restaurant. Harrisonburg, Virginia
Presentation: Trauma Informed Care-What Providers Need to Know
Speaker: Monica Heck DNP, FNP-C
Business Meeting:
- Future meetings were discussed. Plan for September 16 and November 18, 2021. September meeting will likely be a drug rep sponsored dinner and the speaker in November is Rimma Wolfe- a pharmacist, topic TBD. Locations TBD.
- Susan Adamson updated us on the opening of the new Free Clinic. There have been 85 visits in the first 5 weeks!
- Further discussion on ways to boost attendance at our meetings, including: door prizes and NP student scholarships. These topics will be further discussed with hope of finalizing plans at the next meeting.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Respectively submitted.
Maretta Yoder, Secretary