Monthly Archives: January 2021

Quick THANK YOU and request to keep contacting your legislators!

Quick THANK YOU to ALL of you who have contacted your legislators. We have sent nearly a dozen blasts, and they will continue. Each time we contact you for help, it’s in response to specific committee discussions. Your legislative contacts are answering legislator questions and educating them every step of the way to move our bill forward!

This session is moving very quickly and our bill is progressing! THANK YOU for your quick response and legislative contacts.


Members will continue to receive emails with requests to contact legislators. Please respond and share with colleagues, friends, and other NP supporters!

HB 1737 Update: Our bill is advancing – continue to contact your legislators


HB 1737 will be heard in full committee on Tuesday, January 26.

Today the Health Professions Subcommittee of the House Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee heard Delegate Dawn Adams’ legislation, which would permanently reduce the clinical experience needed for autonomous practice from five years to two years. Speaking in favor of the legislation included VCNP president Becky Compton as well as Clareen Wiencek, advanced practice program director at the University of Virginia School of Nursing, who presented solid testimony emphasizing the considerable education and training NPs receive in school. Also speaking in favor were Mary Kay Goldschmidt for the Virginia Nurses Association and Elizabeth Cushing of AARP. We are pleased to report that our bill received unanimous support in subcommittee and both Delegate Adams and Delegate Robinson spoke in favor of the legislation during debate.

Speaking against the bill included MSV and its specialty societies for medical students, emergency room physicians and family doctors. Some of these concerns were later raised again by Delegate Karrie K. Delaney, who we knew was on the fence about how she was going to vote on this bill. She said through the testimony given, she was more comfortable that NP education and training was sufficient for autonomous practice but that she would be considering additional information before committing her final vote in full committee. The full committee will next meet at 9 am on Tuesday, January 26. Typically bills that are heard in subcommittee are not reheard in full committee, unless a member on the full committee wants to re-open the debate. It is important that the full committee continue to hear from VCNP members over the weekend and throughout Monday in order to keep this bill moving forward.

How can you help? Here’s how!

Use the Muster advocacy system to contact your legislators. VCNP Members received an email this afternoon with information on how to connect, or they can log in to their member profile and look for the latest Muster campaign under the “Advocacy” tab.

Not a VCNP member? Join us!

Join us! VCNP offers NP resources, educational programs, professional discounts, and more. Contact VCNP staff for more information.

2021 VNA Lobby Days

VNA will host their 2021 Lobby Days next week!

What’s a Lobby Day?
It’s a day to advocate for nurses and the nursing profession! We will meet with legislators to talk about 2021 legislation and issues including full practice authority for APRNs and much more.

What if I’ve never met with a legislator before?
Don’t worry! We will have staff and experienced nurses to help lead the way, as well as prepared talking points and leave-behind sheets. Additionally, we will  have a pre-session training webinar available, which will optionally be available online. 

Do I have to be a VNA member? 
No! We encourage ALL nurses to join us. Please share this information with anyone who might be interested!

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our events this year will be held virtually with a number of changes to the format. This year’s legislative session is potentially going to be shortened to 30 days, and legislators can only carry 8 bills forward during session, so we are anticipating that much of the action will occur in the beginning of the legislative session this year.

All nurses are welcome to join us – you do not have to be a VNA member to attend. 

Our sessions will last approximately one hour and will include an overview of our policy platform, our bill progress, tools for reaching legislators, and talking points to share with them about our current legislation.

Before the meeting, we will encourage all attendees to contact one or both of their legislators to set up an individual virtual meeting. Many legislators are scheduling these via Zoom during session as they would regular meetings, and we will provide the materials about our policy platform to leave behind and tips for having successful meetings.

2021 Lobby Days dates:

  • Monday, January 18, 2021 @ 9am
  • Tuesday, January 19, 2021 @ 9am
  • Thursday, January 21, 2021 @ 9am
  • Thursday, January 21, 2021 @ 12pm
  • Friday, January 22, 2021 @ 9am

VCNP’s statement on the Jan. 6 events at the Capitol

The events that took place last week in our Nation’s Capital bring to mind the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. – “Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” VCNP condemns the violence that took place in Washington, D.C. and reaffirms our commitment to civil discourse, diversity of backgrounds and respect for one another. As a nation and as health care professionals, we must take care of ourselves so we can take care of our community.