Monthly Archives: March 2018

HB 793 – Mobilize Your Peers and Colleagues Today!

Our political opponents are trying to convince the Governor to amend HB 793 for their personal benefit.
The Medical Society of Virginia (MSV) has pushed an amendment to the Governor’s office that would convolute the Transition to Practice period as proposed by our version of HB 793. This amendment:

  • undermines the existing scope of practice of NPs
  • deteriorates the practice team model articulated in existing practice law
  • protects physician turf and limits consumer choice
  • circumvents the legislative process and substantively changes the legislation passed by the Virginia General Assembly

VCNP does not support the MSV amendment. In spite of repeated efforts to negotiate with MSV, their envoys have refused to see eye-to-eye with us. They remain determined to protect their turf, at the expense of Virginians’ access to care.
Without this amendment, the Department of Health Professions (DHP) has determined that nearly 50% of NPs currently practicing in Virginia would be immediately eligible for the attestation process, as they have already completed the equivalent of five or more years of practice. Once an NP completed the attestation process, they would be permitted to practice independently, without an agreement with a physician.
The MSV amendment would change the nature of the Transition to Practice period and severely decrease the percentage of eligible NPs, undermining the very intent of the bill. Our aim is to expand access to care by allowing NPs to practice to the full extent of their education and training. HB 793, without further amendment, would significantly bolster the workforce of individuals ready and able to provide quality care to patients across the Commonwealth.
By Monday, April 9th at the latest, the Governor must decide whether to sign, amend, or veto HB 793. There is no time to lose. We need you to MOBILIZE your colleagues, peers, and clients in support of HB 793, unamended.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Request that your PATIENTS send a letter using our VoterVoice campaign or call the gubernatorial office at 804-786-2211. See “How to Call the Governor’s Office” below for a sample phone script.
  • Ask your collaborating PHYSICIAN to contact the Governor, if they are supportive of our cause.
  • Lead by example! Continue to write and call the Governor’s office, while engaging your fellow NPs and encouraging them to do the same.
  • Distribute the HB 793 Frequently Asked Questions document to anyone with inquiries about the impact of the bill and how it will be implemented.
  • Share the videos from the VCNP Facebook page! New testimonies about the importance of HB 793 are being posted regularly. Sharing the videos on your personal profile raises awareness for our cause by tapping into your network of friends.


How to WRITE the Governor

Writing the Governor’s office is simple using our Voter Voice software! Visit the TAKE ACTION page of to get started – it takes just a few minutes of your time.

How to CALL the Governor

Dial 804-786-2211.
A representative of the Governor’s office will answer the phone. You may wish to incorporate elements of your practice or personal story into this suggested phone script:
“Hello. My name is _____, and I am a [NP/physician/patient] calling in support of HB 793, a bill which would allow Nurse Practitioners to practice independent of a collaborative agreement, after completing a Transition to Practice period of five years and an attestation process.
HB 793, as it stands, would increase access to healthcare by expanding the workforce of healthcare professionals ready and willing to provide quality care throughout the Commonwealth, including underserved regions. The bill in its current form is widely supported by legislators, having passed the House 97-2 and the Senate 40-0.
Amendments to the bill are not necessary, as such alterations would make regulations unduly cumbersome and hinder access to care in Virginia. I respectfully request that the Governor sign HB 793, without further amendments.
Thank you for your time. Please let me know if you have any questions.”

Fredericksburg region VCNP meeting minutes 3/12/18

The bill went to the governor. The MSV sent another amendment.  Please contact the governor and voice your commitment to pass the bill with NO amendment.

Tiffany will drop off socks to the Riverbend school counselors to get them to the Massapponax High School “market” for homeless students.

Our next philanthropy project was discussed.

Piper brought forth Micah Ecumenical Ministries, the combined ministry and mission of 9 downtown churches, who have started the Micah Community Café.  This is a fast casual restaurant in downtown Fredericksburg.  Guests are greeted at the door with a menu and have a few choices of food items that will change week to week.  The client places and order and has a chance to make a donation, but this is not required.  This café operates on a pay-what-you-can structure and is open to anyone.  The idea is that community business people will be eating in the same café as the homeless person who slept on the street last night.  Guests receive a number, and food is brought to them by the volunteers.  Food prep is handled by our current and formerly homeless who are learning to work in a restaurant.  After completing a 5 week program, the participants have basic food-service skills, are Servesafe certified, have a reference and get assistance finding a permanent job.  With the café, all members of the community share a common space, helping to equip people with barriers to employment gain valuable experience for mainstream jobs.

$600 will sponsor an individual through the café training program.  We can designate our gift as a “Café Scholarship” and make a check out to Micah Ecumenical Ministries from the Fredericksburg VCNP.  It can be mailed to PO box 3277, Fredericksburg VA 22401.  Anyone can volunteer at Micah by calling 540-470-4116.

This was voted on and accepted by all members present as our philanthropy project for the second half of 2018.

Veltassa was presented by a nephrologist from Northern VA at Brock’s Riverside Restaurant.

Submitted 3/16/18 JPSF


Shenandoah region- general minute meetings- February 2018

VCNP-Shenandoah Region


February 2018 Meeting Minutes


February 15, 2018


Members in attendance:  Barbara Call, Erin Morris, Monica Heck, Maria Circosta NP student, Mary Atkins, Sheri Tratnack, Paige French, Maretta Yoder, Christine Yutzy, Vicky Sullivan, Chinor Fattahi, Jennifer Bryant, Mary Faith Dudley, Susan Adamson, Ambi Zeller-Hahn.


Meeting Location:  Taste of Thai Restaurant. Harrisonburg, VA.


Meeting Topic:  Sherri Tratnack NP presented a talk on Psychotropic medications in primary care:  How far should we go?


Business Meeting:


  1. Minutes from the November 2017 meeting were approved.


  1. Discussion regarding purchase of a projector and screen for use at our meetings.  Approximate cost of $175.00.  Consensus was to proceed with purchase. Maretta Yoder plans to purchase prior to our September 2018 meeting.


  1. President, Erin Morris reminded us of the VCNP annual conference in March of 2018.  The Shenandoah region needs to provide a raffle basket with value of $150.00.  Erin will purchase the basket and Monica Heck agreed to deliver the basket to the conference.


  1. Future meetings were discussed.

-4/19/18– will be sponsored by Sanofi Pharmaceuticals.  Venue to be determined.

-9/20/18-will be at Bella Luna.  Palliative Care from Sentara RMH will provide education.  Attempts will be made to get CE credits.

-11/15/18-will tentatively be at Bella Luna.  Speaker will be a pharmacist, Remma Zygerman.  She plans on further discussing mood stabilizers, antidepressants and antipsychotics.  Again, eff orts will be made to obtain CE credits.

-There was discussion regarding a summer meeting; however, it was felt that with everyone’s different schedules, there would likely be a low attendance.  For now, will continue with the 2 spring and 2 fall meetings.


  1. There was a lengthy discussion regarding HB 793. President, Erin Morris reviewed the specifics of the bill.  Discussion revolved around concerns of how this would impact practice and whether we should be in favor or opposed to this bill.  There were opinions voiced on both sides.  Erin Morris has continued to relay our concerns to VCNP and has kept the Shenandoah members up to date on their responses.


  1. Our next meeting will be on Thursday April 19, 2018.  The meal will be sponsored by Sanofi Pharmaceuticals.  Speaker and venue to be determined.



The meeting was then adjourned.





Respectively submitted.



Maretta Yoder, Secretary

HB 793 – Frequently Asked Questions

HB 793 passed in the General Assembly and was signed by Governor Northam!

We have composed a Frequently Asked Questions document to address inquiries we have received from both members and non-members. The document explains how the legislation will take effect, clarifies what attestation entails, and describes how experienced NPs can be “grandfathered” in. The document may be found below:

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The next steps involve the Department of Health Professions (including the Boards of Nursing and Medicine) promulgating the regulations for how this bill will be implemented. As this process unfolds, you may have questions about what this bill might mean for you and your practice. Let us know your questions! Click Here to ask a question about HB793.