Monthly Archives: October 2017

GoTo meeting minutes 10/16/17 Fredericksburg Region VCNP

Since we did not have a pharmaceutical sponsored dinner, we had a GoTo meeting for the board members instead.

We discussed September annual renewals.

We have 66 members presently which is less than previous, the board wonders how many NPs did not realize they were due to renew, or decided not to and now have fallen off the membership notification list.  We have a 68% read rate of our minutes.

Brenda asked if we are flexible regarding our day or location of meetings since she sometimes has reps who sponsor different events which we could be invited to and have our meeting there.  Since there has been discussion for years about whether the set night is conflicting and preventing some NPs from attending, this was thought to be a good idea.  We will see if it reaches NPs who have not yet attended a Monday meeting.


There are 4 tickets to Bobby Orrock’s reception at Lake Anna Winery sponsored by the VCNP so we can support the bill for full NP practice authority that is in front of the house this season.  On 10/26/17, Michelle, Tiffany, Piper and Linda attended. discussed full practice authority.  There is a find your legislator tool and a fact sheet there too.  They will be adding testimonials to this site so providers can understand how full practice authority affects NPs even if they are not directly impacted.


Treasurer’s  report.  We donated $100 to the Moss Free Clinic in a gesture of thanks for letting us host our legislative meeting there.  We got a nice letter of thanks back.  We also received a nice letter from Empowerhouse, for the donation the VCNP Fredericksburg Region gave during the “Night of 1000 Pies” event.


Be thinking of our new philanthropy project.  Choices mentioned include:  Fairy Godmother event, Safe Harbor, Mental Health America and Senior Visitors.  We will bring up at our next in person meeting.


There seems to be a discrepancy between the VCNP state list of members and the member list that comes up when using Constant Contact.  Cherie will look into this.


We will meet to discuss and fill out paperwork for Nominations and Awards on 11/13/17 at Orofino’s on Caroline St at 6:30pm, feel free to join us and nominate!

Submitted 10/27/17 JPSF

Shenandoah Region General Meeting Minutes-September 2017

VCNP-Shenandoah Region

September Meeting Minutes

September 21, 2017

Members in attendance:  Erin Morris, Sue Klassen, Diana Oddenino, Vitoria Sullivan, Ruth Holmaas, Maretta Yoder, Chino Fattahu  Mary Faith Dudley

Meeting Location:  Local Chop and Grill House. Harrisonburg, VA.

Meeting Topic: Meeting was sponsored by Lilly Pharmaceutical.  Once weekly Trulicity- injectable option for patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.  Speaker:  Dr. James Mulinda, endocrinologist from Roanoke, VA. 

Business Meeting:

  1. Minutes from the April 2017 meeting were approved.
  1. President, Erin Morris informed us that she will be attending the State Board Meeting on  Saturday September 23, 2017 at Boars Head Inn.  She invited others to attend. 
  1. Erin Morris also informed the group that Ambi Zeller-Hahn has decided to step down from her position on the legislative committee.  An e-mail will be sent to members looking for volunteers to join this committee.

4.  Members were encouraged to attend the Conference on Opioids at James Madison University on Saturday October 21, 2017 from 9 AM to 4 PM.  An e-mail will be sent to members. 

5.  Next meeting will be on Thursday November 9, 2017.  Plan is to find a speaker and meet at either Bella Luna or Taste of Thai restaurant. 

The meeting was then adjourned.

Respectively submitted.

Maretta Yoder, Secretary