Piedmont Regional News
Piedmont Region NP Week Celebration
Join us for an evening of food, wine and conversation!
Drawing for a free registration to Pharmfest & Beyond Conference on 1/27/2024 during the event.
This is a night to celebrate you! Nonmembers, students and families are welcome.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
5:00 pm - 8: 00 pm
Eastwood Winery
2531 Scottsville Road, Charlottesville, VA
Contact Renee Gay at reg4x@uvahealth.org or any member of the leadership team if you have any questions.
Piedmont Region August Sponsored Dinner
Date/Time: Wednesday, August 30th @ 6:30 pm
Location: The Local Restaurant, 824 Hinton Avenue, Charlottesville, VA.
Intervene With Jakafi® (ruxolitinib) At the First Sign of Steroid-Refractory Acute and Chronic GVHD – A Real-World, Case-Based Discussion.
Speaker: Karolina Faysman, AOCNP, DNP-C
RSVP by 8/25 at http://sphase.info/inc10651. If you have issues registering contact Beth Fantasia at 304-612-7012 or bfantasia@incyte.com
VCNP Piedmont Region CEU Event
Transforming Leadership
2 Hour CEU Event
Learn what is holding you back from reaching your professional and personal goals.
Understand that you are a leader even if you don't have a leader role.
See how your superpowers are also your kryptonite.
Define leadership and what is means to you.
Learn to live life intentionally rather than by default.
Make friends with your Imposter, buckling him/her in the backseat, right next to fear.
Pam Maxson, PhD, PCC, SPHR, Executive and Leadership Coach
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
The Center at Belvedere
Learning Center A
540 Belvedere Boulevard, Charlottesville, VA 22901
Dinner will be provided
RSVP by 6/18/2023 to Renee Gay at reg4x@uvahealth.org
VCNP Piedmont Region Wine Social!
Wednesday, 5/31/2023 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Eastwood Winery
Families welcome
Bring a non-member to learn about VCNP!
RSVP to Renee Gay at reg4x@uvahealth.org
Licensure changes coming July 1
Requirements for autonomous practice licensure are reverting to the 5-year experience requirement on July 1. Piedmont Region members Brooke Bailey and Kathryn Reid discuss the benefits of autonomous practice licensure and urge NPs to apply before regulations change in this UVAToday article.
Holiday Greetings
I hope everyone will have a peaceful and safe holiday season.
"No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted" AESOP
Don't forget to register for Piedmont Regions's Annual Pharmfest
- Jan 28, 2023
- 7:00 am - 4:30 pm
- In-person at Omni Hotel Charlottesville
- Speakers:
- Ellen Wermter - Sleep/Wake Pharmacology
- L. Kelley Midkiff - Major Depression and Crisis Management
- Donna White, Lauren Lam, Stephanie Hannon - Vaccination Updates
- Debbie Lindsay - Not All That Shakes is Parkison's
- Rachel Talbott - Updates in Dermatology Pharmacology
- Elizabeth Lester - Heart Failure
- 6 Pharm CEUs
- $150 members, $200 nonmembers, $95 VCNP student member
VCNP Piedmont Region Monthly Leadership Meeting - June 2021
Are you interested in becoming more involved in Piedmont VCNP? We need new members on our team for several leadership positions and always love hearing new ideas! Join us for the VCNP Piedmont Region Monthly Leadership Meeting on Tuesday, June 2. These meetings are open to all regional members and held on the first Tuesday of every month at Kardinal Hall in Charlottesville. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact VCNP Piedmont Region President, Katy Morgan, at keb7f@virginia.edu.
(Food and drink cost is not covered.)
Piedmont VCNP Charity/Gift Application
Piedmont VCNP Charity/Gift Application/May 2021
The Piedmont VCNP chapter is committed to helping our health care community. Our chapter raises money every year from different activities and would like to give back to the community. We would like to offer a gift to a charity that our members are involved with or have a relationship throughout the health community. This year we have funds available to give 6 monetary gifts. Also, we would appreciate if your charity would let us know how the gift was used. If you have a charity that is need of help this year or any questions, please fill out this form and send it to dkf7a@virginia.edu
Piedmont Region
The Piedmont region includes:
Albemarle County, Buckingham County, Charlottesville City, Cumberland County, Fluvanna County, Greene County, Louisa County, Madison County, Nelson County
Regional Officers
Past President
Renee E. Gay
Government Relations
Shelia K Talbott
Beth Jaeger-Landis
Roshni Patel
Nominations and Awards
Ashley Viars
State Conference
Beth Jaeger-Landis
State Conference
Roshni Patel
Allison Schilling
Events and Conferences
Feb 2025
Mar 2025
Apr 2025
May 2025